
Showing posts from July, 2017

5-Month Calendar

This past week I was at my grandparents' house, and I decided to simplify the calendar by making each month have the same number of days. Now, I would need to change the number of months to do this, so I had to find the prime factorization of 365 (the number of days in a year). It is 5x73, so that means I could have 5 months with 73 days each! Now, I could have also done 73 months with 5 days each, but seriously ? Anyway, I decided to name the five months after the Greek roots for numbers: Monomber - "Mono" means one. Duomber - "Duo" means two. Triember - "Tri" means three. Tetramber - "Tetra" means four. Pentamber - "Pent" means five. (Speaking of Greek, my next post might be about Greek letters, such as Γ, Δ, Θ, Ξ, and more!) I decided that leap year would be at the end of Monomber, making a 74th day. It was all figured out! I calculated which days would be in which months: Monomber - Jan 1 to Mar 14 (Pi Day!) Duombe...